Holiday Revelations, Stressors & Life-Changing Decisions

It’s a statistical fact, that when it comes to Senior Living and Aging Services that the New Year brings about the busiest time of the year. That’s because of what happens during the holidays! As we age, holidays tend to bring about clarity and often monumental change. Learn about navigating holiday conversations, feelings that come up this time of year, and the truth about advocating for yourself and those you love. Read more...

Common Questions Adult Children Have About Senior Living

You are not alone. When it comes to senior living it is common for adult children to have questions. More importantly it is critical to ask those questions, even the hard ones. When asking these questions remember to have a sensitive approach because these issues can be hard for seniors. Forthcoming life changes can be difficult and exciting at the same time. Read more...

The Truth About Legacy & Positively Impacting The Next Generation!

We often associate the month of November with gratitude and giving thanks for the many blessings in our lives. It’s also a time for family gatherings and festivities, making it perfect for reminiscing and sharing family traditions. So, what happens to these traditions after you’re gone? Who will carry them forward into future generations? How can we plan for family harmony? Larry Hatteberg lead a powerful discussion on enjoying life, community engagement & how to make a positive generational impact. Read more...

Deciding to Downsize

Are you thinking that it is time to “get your house in order” when it comes to preparing for successful aging and a simplified, less overwhelming lifestyle? Have you been considering a downsizing move in the future? Or feel that being fully prepared “just in case” is prudent? Read more...

Essential Documents To Have

Obtaining the correct legal documents is very important. Having these documents in place helps insure your legal and health interests are protected during all life stages. For seniors, these documents are even more important. Read more...

The Truth about Getting Your Affairs in Order: Bad blood and blended families

Estate planning is no longer as simple as having a last will and testament. Virtually every state has different laws on matters such as probate and inheritance, making who gets what a very complicated issue. This is especially true for blended families and those with otherwise ‘complicated’ relationships. Even “perfect” families run into big issues and overwhelm when it comes to settling estates. Rifts can last a lifetime. Read more...