Strength, stability on our feet and our overall level of fitness directly impacts what choices are available to us for where and how we live. Too many have the fear of being unstable, mistepping, tripping and are unsure when moving around. Recently Parkinson’s Connect joined us at our monthly Empowered Seniors Seminar at Botanica to demonstrate and talk about Nordic Pole Walking. It was such a great reminder on how important fitness and moving around is for EVERYONE.
Click here to see more great pictures of pole walking.
Fitness directly impacts our quality of life. Nordic walking is a growing sport that’s great for people of all ages and fitness levels. Though the greatest segment of the population who commit to this sport are over 55. Some avid Nordic pole walkers being centenarians, over 100 years of age!
People walking with their poles is a common sight across Europe. And you are going to see more & more of it right here in Wichita, Kansas! This is thanks to local physical therapists and occupational therapists that have teamed together to benefit our community. We are so fortunate to have them involved with our seminars this year!
Pole walking gives you a tall feeling – naturally aligning your spine, improving posture while strengthening your core. Pushing off on the poles engages the upper body for a light strength-building workout. In return it makes you feel lighter on your feet.
Pole walking targets arms, abdominals, waist, chest, bottom, hips and thighs. This gives you a highly efficient workout that engages 50% more muscles than regular walking.
A side benefit? In particular, this helps burn unwanted back fat and floppy arms!
Nordic poles are great for hiking or walking on grass or dirt, but you can still use them on a walking track or concrete sidewalk. All Nordic walking poles have a spike tip at the bottom for walking on grass and trails. And you also get a rubber boot-tip that fits over it to grip sidewalks and indoor surfaces.
Using your upper body takes some load and impact off your knees and lower-body joints. It provides a more efficient and fitness-oriented walking workout combining both cardiovascular training with strength training and burns calories faster. Another great advantage is it aids stability as you propel yourself along.
It allows individuals to learn to walk confidently and participate in activities that make memories with family and friends. Having that confidence allows you to get out and try something new, move your body, increase your strength and balance and so much more!
Poles can also be used in a different way by holding them out in front. This technique is also easy to learn and benefits those that might be less stable on their feet. In fact, with training, they are sometimes used in place of walkers or canes.

We had such an interest in the Nordic Pole Walking! Parkinson’s Connect is now having a Nordic Walking class each month right after our Empowered Senior Seminars (you must have had prior training and your own poles). They will take on new walkers, you just need to make arrangements with Parkinson’s Connect to get the training and poles prior.
This is such a great opportunity to help make positive changes in Seniors lives! If you want to learn more about pole walking you can watch our March Empowered Senior Seminar online. Shana and Connie from Parkinson’s Connect had lots to say about Nordic Pole Walking. Be sure to check out Nordic Walking Wichita for more information on Nordic Pole Walking. Don’t miss the opportunity to join one of their June classes.