Empowered Senior Series

The Truth About Love, Intimacy and Shacking Up

As relationships mature and change over time so do our needs for communication, planning, and fulfillment. February’s seminar explored of the complexities that arise in later-life relationships. Whether it be combining lives, introducing a new friend to your family, or finding supportive ways to love your longtime partner.

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The Truth about Trusts, Wills, Probate and Guardianship

Times have certainly changed regarding the way estates are handled after someone passes away. It’s not as simple as one may think, especially when the wishes of the deceased were never specified in writing. But what documents are necessary and most appropriate? How do these instruments work within the probate process?

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Longevity Secrets…Vibrant & Living Well

Sound mind in a sound body (Latin: Mens sana nin corpore sano) is the goal for aging well! Our superstar panel had amazing stories & inspiring insights surrounding secrets to vitality… and living FULLY until our last breath.

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The Nest Egg Talk: The Truth About Spending & Protecting Money!

Everyone seems to worry about money as they get older. (We mean REALLY worry! This universal concern often has less to do with how much wealth one has amassed and more to do with uncertainties about one’s financial affairs. How much money will I need? Will I have enough to leave some behind for others? What if my needs change over time? How do I ensure I don’t outlive my financial resources? These are all common questions explored in this seminar on money and aging.

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Safe Driving: Strategies to Stay Behind the Wheel

Having a car and our own set of keys ranks right up there with having air to breathe and fresh water to drink – it’s hard to imagine being without. That said, having a car and a license to drive (at any age) also comes with a great deal of responsibility. At this month’s seminar we talked with healthcare, legal, and local law enforcement experts about the challenges associated with driving as we age, as well as strategies for safely remaining behind the wheel.

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The Truth about Getting Your Affairs in Order: Bad blood and blended families

Estate planning is no longer as simple as having a last will and testament. Virtually every state has different laws on matters such as probate and inheritance, making who gets what a very complicated issue. This is especially true for blended families and those with otherwise ‘complicated’ relationships.

Even “perfect” families run into big issues and overwhelm when it comes to settling estates. Rifts can last a lifetime.

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Aging In America: Changing the Narrative

The world is changing at a rapid pace and if you don’t keep up, you’ll be left behind. This means flexing the muscles of adaptability, resilience, and curiosity. Gone are the days when elder family members were the only sources of knowledge, history, and wisdom. The internet has taken over. As a result, those currently tasked with writing the narrative about getting older are young, mis-informed, and often simply winging it!

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Sunny Days Are Here Again

Broadway veteran, Ray Wills, was our May headliner! Discussing the Art & Aging movement and how to power up your ZEST for life! Learn about the local offerings that will you keep you seeing the BRIGHT side of life from active aging ideas to life giving respite. Celebrate the return of sunny days with us – be enlightened and equipped.

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