Are you upset that loved ones can’t be with family members in hospitals, nursing homes, and other medical facilities?
Families have been separated from hospitalized loved ones due to Covid-19 causing devastating consequences. We will discuss a movement that is helping families cope and demanding change.
Advocating for a family member in a care setting is one of life’s most caring acts of love.
Meet three women on a mission working to advocate for Seniors, and their families.
P O W E R F U L !!
Unite Families in Hospitals & Care Facilities
Vivian Zayas is the Co-Founder of the Facebook group, Voices For Seniors, birthed out of the pain and loss of her mother Ana C. Martinez in a Long Island nursing home.
VoicesForSeniors aims to unite families who experienced the loss of a loved one at a nursing home or other long term care facility, especially during the Covid 19 pandemic.
Vivian and her sister Alexa Rivera, united by all the families represented in the group are working to push for improvements in nursing homes to prevent a repeat of the profound loss of thousands of our vulnerable and valuable elders.
Traci Ann Alvino, who lost her father in a rehab/nursing home facility while there receiving rehab/physical therapy after surgery.
Joanne Miles Thomas, whose father is still in a facility and due to the shut down hasn’t see her father in over 85 days.