Holiday Revelations, Stressors & Life-Changing Decisions

It’s a statistical fact, that when it comes to Senior Living and Aging Services that the New Year brings about the busiest time of the year. That’s because of what happens during the holidays! As we age, holidays tend to bring about clarity and often monumental change. Learn about navigating holiday conversations, feelings that come up this time of year, and the truth about advocating for yourself and those you love.

December Empowered Senior Seminar

Whether it’s for you or a loved one, being an advocate is important.

While we would each like to think that the professionals we encounter in the course of daily life are looking out for our best interest and are there to help us make good decisions, this is often not “truly” the case.

Even those genuinely wishing to help us are sometimes swayed by financial incentives, lack of available time or even access to needed information.

And while you might not think of yourself as an advocate, you already are. Each time you speak up for yourself or someone else, you are an advocate.

Learn why it is so important to become a strong advocate for yourself and others in areas of healthcare, finances, living options, end-of-life wishes and more.

Watch a Replay of November’s Empowered Senior Series

Click here to check out December’s full presentation.

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